Pet Relocation Services in Dubai

wild life pets trade

Call +971-569909004

We are #1 Pets Movers & Relocation Company Dubai UAE


Pets Movers is the primer company dealing in international pet moving. We work on the guidelines of IPATA and the international authorities dealing in the business domain. Our standard service for Pet Moving to Pakistan can be compared to any organization of global repute dealing in pet moving. We provide all the services that are the part of pet moving business. We will provide you with a pet passport, import permits, vaccination, rabies titer test validations, and all other necessary documents needed for International Dog Moving to Pakistan and (or) International Cat Moving to Pakistan. We provide you with the maximum options and you can then choose the best that suits you.

Get the Benefit of the Affordability of Rates

Pets Movers is a company that believes in the fact that humanity has to win and one must care the mother nature. Nothing is more natural than your love for your beloved, therefore, we exist to connect you with your beloved pet. Call us for affordable rates for Cat Moving to Pakistan or Dog Moving to Pakistan. We will definitely answer your call to take your beloved pet to Pakistan. We make relationships not a business so set assured for rates and quality of service.

Dog Relocation

Located in the United Arab Emirates, our team at Animal Wildlife and Pets are here to find a solution that works best for you. Experienced in both large and small animals, single or part of a herd, we will take care of all the logistical requirements of importing or exporting to any destination worldwide Located in the United Arab Emirates, our team at Animal Wildlife and Pets are here to find a solution that works best for you. Experienced in both large and small animals, single or part of a herd, we will take care of all the logistical requirements of importing or exporting to any destination worldwide

Cat Relocation

As UAE’s premier Pet Movers, we provide you and your beloved pet the ease of movement in the emirate. We have excelled in our business and we can provide the best indoor or outdoor facilities for you and your pet

Wish to Take a Trial?

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